Vivre Dans Ma Peau !

Ht : La vie est vraiment simple mais nous insistons à la rendre compliquée !!
Ct : I choose Happy.

I might have adhd and signs ive had it as a child

- People telling me im smart but never living up to my potential - being engrossed when i drew or played dolls or watched cartoons - getting perfect grades at subjects i was naturally good at and terrible grades at subjects that needed sitting down and working on it - starting things not finishing them going to the next thing not finishing it and having piles of unfinished things - hyperimaginative - (...)


I am still not over Haruma Miura. I have the carpenter in the next room fixing my table for me. I broke the day I had Hajar Rihab and Hind over. I almost got eeposed on the ED thing. I am not a liar but sometimes we have to lie and keep those lies going.Either because its not of anypone buisness or because telling the truth can expose your weakness to others, trigger you into some self destructive behavior or just down right take too long. And sometimes if the truth is complicated you have to explain it to everyone and it gets to exausting to tell each individual then you memorize whatever it (...)

Je veux me marier.

Oué oué c'est con je sais. Mais je suis tombée sur un compte Tik Tok de cette moeuf qui a presque le même âge que moi.Elle créait des vidéos avec son mari (du même âge aussi) qui est soldat. C'était trop mignon,et je me suis rapportée parce qu'elle était pétillante et loufoque, comme moi. Vu que ça fait 3 ans que je vis toute seule (depuis l'âge de 18). J'ai perdue toute inspiration, je ne sais plus qui je suis où bien qui j'voudrais être. Y'en a marre d'être célibataire. Je voudrais bien mon propre Gérard Butler de PS: I love you. Un homme que je claimerai le mien. 2 (...)

Just woke up. Waterfast.

Lol okay. Since my weight is so crippling so depressing. Im gonna get rid of it. I need 30 days of water drinking only. Its scary about I cant do normal diets. My body image and relationship with food is so distorted that I need to reset the mode. For 30 days I shan't eat a thing. But if I feel like I cant go no more i'll have something under 50 calories since I will still be in Fast mode. So I know 30 days without food and just water sounds crazy but i've done 10 days before I can do it. I will keep this window open so I can rant whenever it gets to hard. OKAY I GOT IT. For This 30days I am (...)


* Be optimistic and always smiling like wrinkle and Donna * Have Sooyoung legs (3.9-3-2) 18 inch waist (with abs) firm butt some nice muscles dont be skin and bones * Do 15 minutes of physics a day * Do not drink or smoke pot or antng * Shop in bulk mng cook home more vegan recipes basically vegan dream n eat less outsite meaning tea salad or ntng * Shop more in Econom class * Do more free sports * Look great for less mng good skin wax moisturize buy few but clearly good quality stuff * Fix crooked feet * Make everything at home * Always keep apartment tidy * Relax more and don't overthink (...)


God Why is this happening to me? Why am I treated like crap? I hate this...Everyday is torture, god. God please me out of here please please please please please help me i hate this i hate this i hate this ... I have never wished death upon somebody until this year. I hate myself I hate this situation, I hate him SO MUCH ...I hope all the money hes ever made gets lost in one time. I hope all his cash and all his documents get burned .. *update* Just woke up, prayed a lil. Thinking what should i have for break fast. I feel like Jamie.Fucked from the ass. What should I do ? oh god oh god...This (...)

its raining men

OMG OMG OMG OMG Diary. Ok Margo écoutes, aujourd’hui était une journée de bg j’te dis. Au début y avait ce blondinet de Badoo (il vit à L.A) Et puis y avait ce mec qui s’est approché de mois a cote du feu rouge et il m a demandé ou ce trouve Versal haha. Mais le meilleur c’est ce beau gars que j ai vu lors je suis allée faire ma commande de salade César et soupe de champignons. Mais je crois qu’il est plus jeune que mois d au moins 2ans. Mais il était ci beau. AHHAHAHA, c’est décidé, j irai là-bas au régulier .LOL. Le truc c’est, que les mecs soit me (...)

Dear 2013 me...

You are 15, beautiful and optimistic, you are insecure, you hate your body, even though it's perfect, a lot of people actually envy you for it. This is 2018 and your life has actually took the craziest change, some things you never thought would happen have happened. You dyed your hair BLONDE. Bravo for the guts. You still haven't gotten your first kiss. Yesterday you discovered your Uncle Taib died, u actually kinda felt it with 3men and grandma dream And remember A, that boy you were so very crazy about, you told him you liked him ahahaha, he said you should have (...)


Memories of a Mortal: Cold… It feels so cold…My head is burning but everything else is cold …and light…just like a feather, I ask my self does it always feel like this, or is it just me, I hear people crying and calling for me, telling me not to give up. Give up what? I have several flash backs, me at 5 on the roof top wearing my red French hat and sitting on my pretty pink princess-y chair I smile to the camera and click, I’m 7 my math teacher wrote my name on the top of the class pyramid, I make my wish, open my eyes and blow my 9th birthday cake, actually there were two, I (...)


Ghitha Zahir Ben Grir Prep School Ben Grir green city, 5o km from Marrakech, Morocco October 20th 2016 Massachusetts Institute of technology 77 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 021339, United States Dear admission department, It is my honor to apply to Massachusetts Institute of technology after doing much research about it almost on a daily basis for the past two and a half years of my life, I checked everything from the tours, to the lectures, to the historical background to the vlogs of students that go there I dreamt about this moment where I apply ever since I was sixteen ,although (...)


I believe that if everyone, regardless of race, can push themselves to work harder and to do better, they excel. If they can do that, while having a social life or downtime, that’s great. The truth of the matter is that it’s all about hard work, work ethics, and balance. . (...)


Chapter 1: 2dkweue3y5 2dkweue3y5 2e50kqnls Ever since I was little, I always dreamt; whether I was sitting in the classroom by the window, lying down on my bedroom floor contempling the stars, in the back seat of every car I rode or even sleeping-Although I never liked my sleep dreams since I couldn’t control them-. God I dreamt of everything! My imagination had no limits, I found my reality so blend and boring I was desperate to feel something ,anything, I felt myself going numb day by day, So my only refugee was the hope that my future might be brighter and greater than my (...)


Chapter 1: 2dkweue3y5 2dkweue3y5 2e50kqnls Ever since I was little, I always dreamt; whether I was sitting in the classroom by the window, lying down on my bedroom floor contempling the stars, in the back seat of every car I rode or even sleeping-Although I never liked my sleep dreams since I couldn’t control them-. God I dreamt of everything! My imagination had no limits, I found my reality so blend and boring I was desperate to feel something ,anything, I felt myself going numb day by day, So my only refugee was the hope that my future might be brighter and greater than my (...)

What to do ?

The Media played so much with my mind ,it started telling me how that i must sleep 8hours a day ,eat all vitamins and minerals just healthy and lose 0.000002 kilos a wekk if i want to be healthy ,like who does thatdon't study noe then three hours then take a break ,listen to classical music,do not pull an all nighter HELLOOOOOOOOOO !!! this is real world not Barbie world and if i keep doing this soon enough I want have ANYTHING and i won't be ANYONE , this turned me into a real life lazy demotivated jack ass SO from now on I will only go online for educational (...)

Emploi Du Temps

12:30__01:00(Sleep) 01:00__03:25(Mp) 03:25__03:30(Al-Fajr) 03:30__06:30(Reading) 06:30__07:00(Sleep) 07:00__12:25(MP) 12:25__12:30(Adduhr) 12:30__01:00(Sleep) 01:00__02:00(Sport) 02:00__04:10(Japanese) 04:10__04:15(Al-Asr) 04:15__05:05(Japanese) 05:05__06:05(Sport) 06:05__06:30(Music) 06:30__07:00(Sleep) 07:00__07:10(Music) 07:10__07:40(Eat) 07:40__07:45(Al-Maghrib) 07:45__08:15(Eat) 08:15__09:15(MP) 09:15__09:20(Al-Ichaae) 09:20__12:30(MP) (...)

Change Is All I Need ...

Today I realised that I was shrinking my self too much for others, while others don't give a fuck about me , they want to expand and grow.I'm always screwed by people and their selfishness and yet I don't learn anything ...Oh well ! I guess It's a good thing I don't hold grudge... Anyways it's time for me to get a little selfish and start working on my self :I must outwork everyone , look batter then everyone, and not get caught up in anyone's plans I shall live for me then for others Resolution number 1: Weight loss (A MUST ) -Time dedicated for food and Tiffany's leg workout 1 (...)

MIT here I come !

So. My dream so far is this. I study physics mathematics(1008 hours ), computering , japanese ,violon read 12 books and do experiments and fixeses this summer. I go to Ben Grir prep school where I learn independance meet new friends and keep on working on my new body , keep saving money and getting high grades , having teachers who love me ,meet y best Friend Mathiew ,the prodigy , have the crazyest adventures with him ,go to Europe on Summer get Phy books , go to lectures buy peices for my inventions, meet the cutest guys, buy great clothes ,do my hair ,take photos, visit campuses libraries, (...)


Coucou Mélanie je suis de retour je t'ai manqué? (...)

Friends my ass -_-

Dorénavent je serais méfiante ,je serais plus naïve ,je ne dirais pas tout , et surtout pas faire des meilleurs amis "a true friend stabs in the back" , je deviendrai mystérieuse , ça c'est sur hein ,je ne laisserais personne me controler ,je serai indépendente , à chaque fois on me blesse , et à chaque fois je fais confience .Vous voulez survivre ,ne faites PAS confience même si ces peronnes vous parraît gentille ,aimante ,marrante ,naïve mais c'est pas vrai ,le temps viendera quant le voile tembera et vous verrez comment elle est moche la vérité je parle d'une expérience de 15 (...)

Narnia '_'

Je commence à avoir des putain de rêves bizarre que j'arrive vraiment pas à comprendre , enfin je les comprend mais il me semblent pas logiques du tout , je suis plus une élève studieuse , je me sens éloignée de ce monde , je pense beaucoup je réagis pas , je le vois plus mon 'A' je veux juste qu'il vienne me parler , je veux le voir parler , rire ,crier , mais il sait même pas si j'existe et ça me tue puisque je suis sure que une fois il me connaîtra il va bien m'aimer , je suis pas comme son entourage .. je suis vraie , Haha j'arrive pas à comprendre pourquoi je me maquille en (...)

Pour plus de lecture, consulter les archives : octobre 2013, novembre 2013, décembre 2013, janvier 2014, avril 2014, mars 2015, mai 2015, juin 2016, juillet 2018, décembre 2018, juillet 2019, novembre 2019, juillet 2020, décembre 2021.